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Exploring New Horizons in Upscaling

Unlocking New Opportunities in Datacube Applications

The FAIRiCUBE project is all about pushing the boundaries of data innovation. As we continue to grow and evolve, it’s essential to explore new domains and tap into previously uncharted areas. During the Fairicube team meeting in October Wageningen University & Research (WUR) will host an exciting interactive session focused on Upscaling: expanding the potential applications of our data cubes, targeting new stakeholders and envisioning innovative use cases.

The upscaling process aims to engage new sectors and communities that could benefit from FAIRiCUBE’s technologies. This is an invitation to identify novel use cases, brainstorm creative solutions, and look at existing datasets from fresh perspectives. We will encourage partners to think outside the box: What new possibilities can be unlocked by applying our data cubes to unexplored areas?

Geo-scripting course challenges within Fairicube

Besides the interactive session, we will host an hands on training for WURstudents who will be challenged to tackle ambitious projects with real-world applications. They will dive deep into AI modeling, learn how to work with datacubes, and gain practical experience using the FAIRiCUBE Hub. Students will get hands-on experience on data preprocessing and analysis, turning raw data into actionable insights, merging datasets and leveraging the FAIRiCUBE Hub to build comprehensive models across multiple domains.

Looking Ahead: The Path to Upscaling

This training together with the interactive session are a first stepping stone towards a broader upscaling plan. Over the next year, we’ll focus on evaluating new domains, users, geographic regions, identifying technical challenges, and refining our business model to deliver meaningful impact. The outcomes of this event will feed into our upcoming deliverables, including the development of comprehensive upscaling and business plans.